Wednesday 28 November 2012

musing on what makes people interested

something i noticed a good few months ago is the amount of art that one preson can look at in disgust then another look at and see something different and smile in appreciation. the interesting thing with "antique" art is the polarisation of views, some people can look at a peice, (for example we have a oil of a dead pheasant) and are imediately disgusted by it and they are very rude about it, and someone differnt can look at it and love it, (especialy funny when it a couple on either pole). yet other peices people can barely be bothered to look at, (for example a simple victorian bouquet of flowers), and those peices rarely get people interested enought to buy

heres a my most recent picture, i cut the plywood to fit the frame before i started then i did the preliminary picture, then when i put it in the plain pine frame i just started to move the picture onto the frame, and then i decided to finish it as the frame wasent anything to write home about.

Tuesday 27 November 2012


Right, where to begin.
i live in penzance, im an antique dealer by trade, and so have an appreciation for fine art but am by no means an expert, thats my partner lol, a few months ago i realised that i could paint for no more reason than to please myself, so i did.
now i have started this blog to see if anyone else likes what i paint, and if they have any comments on it, i dont know where this is going to go but lets just see.

included is my first picture that i did one night when i couldnt sleep.